August 27, 2006


This was on a care2 board site, posted by a friend of mine. It is a radaptation of Johan Galtung's piece, to fit the situation here in Israel. I love it and hope you enjoy it as well.

There is only one Orange, so the two brothers will have to share - the Orange was cut 60 years ago - there is no putting the two halves back together, because one of the brothers have already dug out the seeds in his half and have planted the seeds to grow an Orange Grove - it isn't his fault that the other brother have not done the same.

Nor is it his fault that the other brother has spent these last 60 years protesting that the Orange was cut instead of busying himself with finding the seeds and grow an Orange Grove. Had he busied himself with taking care of his half of the Orange, instead of incessantly burglarize his brother's Orange Grove and kill the workers, he would have had a beautiful Orange Grove today, just like his brother.

But his lot is empty, and he blames his brother for that, he doesn't see that he himself is responsible for that. That what damage has been done to his lot when his brother had to chase him out of his Orange Grove, was the result of him not wanting leave his brother's Orange Grove workers alone, and having to be dragged kicking and screaming of the lot into his own or down to the City Jail.

He doesn't see, and he never will, if he insists on staring at the shivelled up remains of the half Orange, he was given, refusing to pick up the seeds and use them as his brother has.

No-one is going to do it for him - he has to get rid of the street-thugs he has hired to burglarize his brother and focus on hiring workers that can plant his Orange Seeds and work the Orange Grove that will grow from them.

And if he doesn't it's not his brother's fault.



Posted by Rachel Ann at August 27, 2006 11:49 AM | TrackBack

Wow...excellent illustrative story that tells it so well!! Will share with others too!

So glad your son is back safe again!
Blessings on you all!

Posted by: Elizabeth at August 29, 2006 11:25 AM

Peace... please.
Greetings from Chile.

Posted by: cococita at August 30, 2006 01:17 AM

Thank you Elizabeth, and welcome Cococita..
I love the analogy. It is so true. Israel has wanted to make peace for years and still would if we were given even a lukewarm chance of having peace.

Posted by: Rachel Ann at August 30, 2006 05:36 AM


Posted by: Mounty at September 18, 2007 09:27 PM


Posted by: Bill at September 18, 2007 09:27 PM


Posted by: Jack at September 18, 2007 09:27 PM


Posted by: John at September 18, 2007 09:27 PM
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