September 19, 2005


And your reaction is?

I really want to know. This is a kind of survey: could you all just copy the survey, fill it out and post it in the comments.

1.PETA--what is the first image that comes to your mind hearing the name?
2.How do you react emotionally?
3.Do you agree or disagree with PETA's overall message?
4.Do you agree or disagree with how PETA presents that message?
5.Are (or were) you a vegetarian?
6.Do you own any pets?
7.What rights over animals do you think humans should have?
8.Is experimentation on animals always wrong? Sometimes wrong? And if permissable when, what types of experiments, and how should they be conducted?
9. To what uses can we put animals? (Pets only, aide animals etc.)
10. Including PETA, what animal rights groups (if any) do you support?

thank you

Posted by Rachel Ann at September 19, 2005 07:34 AM | TrackBack

1. A rabbit.
2. Positively.
3. Agree with the overall message.
4. Mostly agree with how they present the message.
5. I'm vegan.
6. I don't own any animals.
7. Humans don't have any innate rights 'over' animals, any more than humans have innate rights over humans.
8. Animal experimentation is wrong. It's wasteful, cruel, and generates few meaningful results.
9. Animals aren't ours to use, period. Our interactions with animals should have their interests at heart, not ours. so it makes sense to have a pet if you've adopted her from a shelter, for example. I also believe it's appropriate to euthanise an animal that would otherwise endure extreme suffering.
10. I don't contribute financially to animal rights groups, but I support most of 'em.

ps. check out :)

Posted by: Ben at September 19, 2005 03:06 PM

So Ben, you refuse to use soap and take medicine when you're ill?

All products acceptable for human use in this country must have been tested on animals. No animal testing is a lie. It just means they're using the same formula as had been tested earlier.

BTW your answer to #8 is DEAD wrong. Would you bet your life on it?

My answers to Rachel's questions are going to be on my blog. Too long for a comment.

Posted by: caltechgirl at September 19, 2005 04:27 PM

All I can say is that the answers of both,pro and anti PETA people disturb me in MANY ways.

Posted by: The Brat a/k LW at September 19, 2005 09:11 PM

1.PETA--what is the first image that comes to your mind hearing the name?

Self-absorbed libs who think they know what's best for the entire universe.

2.How do you react emotionally?

A combination of annoyance and pity.

3.Do you agree or disagree with PETA's overall message?

That animals are more important that people? no.

4.Do you agree or disagree with how PETA presents that message?


5.Are (or were) you a vegetarian?

Never. We were given sharp pointy teeth and the ability to digest animal protein for a reason.

6.Do you own any pets?

I've had pets all my life. My 2 birds passed away about a year ago, so right now it's just my Beta fish. Looking to get a dog.

7.What rights over animals do you think humans should have?

I'm not sure I understand the question. If parents have rights over children, then humans have rights over animals, but I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "rights over".

8.Is experimentation on animals always wrong? Sometimes wrong? And if permissable when, what types of experiments, and how should they be conducted?

It's only wrong if it's done inhumanely or for inhumane reasons.

9. To what uses can we put animals? (Pets only, aide animals etc.)

What can our pets be made to do? Guard our homes, herd our livestock, hunt with us, keep our homes free of vermin, entertain us... whatever roll they are capable of filling. that's the amazing thing about pets.

10. Including PETA, what animal rights groups (if any) do you support?

I don't support PETA at all. In fact, I'm very much opposed to PETA. I support our local shelter with donations of money and supplies.

Posted by: Jen at September 19, 2005 10:22 PM

Since you ask, here's my view on PETA:

And whatever you think of PETA, here's food for thought, from a former speechwriter for Dubya:

Read Scully's book Dominion, then go back and answer the ten questions (above) again.

Posted by: Aeolus at September 20, 2005 01:47 AM

Rachel- I do indeed use soap. And I'll take medicine if it's absolutely necessary. But y'know, since I went vegan I pretty much stopped getting sick- even my allergies disappeared.

Yes, the law says that household products have to be tested on animals. Does that make testing right, or does it make the law wrong?

As for betting my life on it- only a tiny fraction of a tiny fraction of a tiny fraction of animal experiements have ever yielded results that applied to humans. Give a human aspirin and you cure their headache. Give a cat aspirin and you kill the cat.

Google 'draize test' and 'LD50' sometime and you'll get an idea of how sick and unnecessary the vast majority of animal testing is.

Posted by: Ben at September 20, 2005 04:08 AM

Oops- that first comment was addressed to Caltechgirl, not Rachel. My bad.

Posted by: Ben at September 20, 2005 03:41 PM

1. Anti-semitism; they spend an inordinate amount of energy figting specifically the Kosher method of slaughtering, even though it is among the most humane.

2. it makes me sick

3. disagree

4. strongly disagree; as just one example, I may not like Rudy Guiliani, but exploiting someone's cancer without their permission is obscene.

5. nope, but my lovely wife was once and I have no problem with that.

6. yup

7. animals are part of the world that was given to us to use, but not abuse; basically if people can be helped without undue cruelty to animals, that's fine with me.

8. Any experiments that can honestly be shown to help, protect, or advance the conditions of humans.

9. see #7 above

10. none. if i had the money i would be willing to support shelters, but there are a lot of hungry people and they take priority.

Posted by: dh at September 20, 2005 07:17 PM

1.PETA--what is the first image that comes to your mind hearing the name?

sorry to say, holocaust images. didn't they use some in one of their advertisments? i remember (vaguley) it being on a huge billboard in nyc.. if i'm crazy, i apologize.

2.How do you react emotionally?

i like animals but it's possible to go a bit too far.

3.Do you agree or disagree with PETA's overall message?

i agree that we shouldn't be cruel to animals but i do think that people are more important.

4.Do you agree or disagree with how PETA presents that message?

i didn't like what i mentioned above, but i really haven't seen too many ads.

5.Are (or were) you a vegetarian?

yes, for over 8 years
although i am not really a vegetarian for "love of animal reasons" (i just really don't like meat, yuk) - i have to disagree with a comment made above that humans are made to eat animals - i think that there is much for evidence to the opposite. check out "vegetarian judaism" by Roberta Kalechofsky - there are a few more judaism/vegetarian books.

6.Do you own any pets?

7.What rights over animals do you think humans should have?

8.Is experimentation on animals always wrong? Sometimes wrong? And if permissable when, what types of experiments, and how should they be conducted?

sigh. i don't really like the idea of it. i'm sorry my answers are kinda wishy washy. i don't really think it's right to tortue animals.

9. To what uses can we put animals? (Pets only, aide animals etc.)
we have dominion over animals. that doesn't mean that our dominion should be abused...

10. Including PETA, what animal rights groups (if any) do you support?
i don't support peta. i like local groups - i trust them more.

Posted by: CB at September 20, 2005 07:32 PM

While few people love dogs as much as I do, still I want nothing to do with PETA...too much like some other organizations I refer to as "tree huggers". HaShem meant for us to use things as we needed them on this earth...not wastefully, but carefully. I am not crazy about animal research but it is better than experimenting on humans. I see more need with medicines etc. But a better diet does seem to make us need less of those things too, tis true. I am a meat eater and hope to be able to continue to do that...because vegetarian, vegan won't quite cut it for me...some blood types etc. need meat. But we are careful and buy kosher so much as we can. We live in a very small town so it has not been easy to find...but we at least eat organic too so much as we can find. Plus we are not among those fortunate to be able to eat gluten products (wheat, etc) nor soy, which help the vegan, vegetarian diets a lot. But we have cut down on how much meat we eat too..

But that is off subject here. We think if people followed the Tanach and the Torah, most of these things would not even be a discussion item! HaShem has a plan for the best life, period!

Posted by: Elizabeth at September 20, 2005 07:46 PM

1.PETA--what is the first image that comes to your mind hearing the name?

People throwing blood on models wearing fur coats on a runway.

2.How do you react emotionally?

Eh. I don't know that i let them get me emotional.

3.Do you agree or disagree with PETA's overall message?

I'm all for being nice to animals but I do think they are needed for testing. If an animal's death could help my sister live, sorry, I pick my sister (who is doing quite well now -- cancer free! -- knock on wood).

4.Do you agree or disagree with how PETA presents that message?

I think they turn off more people than they bring aboard.

5.Are (or were) you a vegetarian?


6.Do you own any pets?

Two cats own me.

7.What rights over animals do you think humans should have?

When they can pay their pet rent (a stupid practice here in the states of charging people who have pets more money), then we can revisit this.

8.Is experimentation on animals always wrong? Sometimes wrong? And if permissable when, what types of experiments, and how should they be conducted?

It'd be nice if they'd treat them has humanely as possible when doing tests, but it's needed for medical advancement.

9. To what uses can we put animals? (Pets only, aide animals etc.)

Pretty much the only thing that bothers me are the horses in central park draggin people around in 100+ heat. If they are treated well, I have no problem with most things.

10. Including PETA, what animal rights groups (if any) do you support?

I don't support PETA but I did give to ASPCA, used to give to Bide-a-wee in NY and I hear good things about that Noah group.

Posted by: esther at September 20, 2005 07:55 PM

1.PETA--what is the first image that comes to your mind hearing the name? Blood

2.How do you react emotionally? Anger

3.Do you agree or disagree with PETA's overall message? Mostly disagree.

4.Do you agree or disagree with how PETA presents that message? Disagree - I think they're doing more to hurt the cause than help it.

5.Are (or were) you a vegetarian? No

6.Do you own any pets? Yes

7.What rights over animals do you think humans should have? As in ownership rights? I think that pets are an important part of people's lives and are often treated better than children. I don't see any harm in continuing to own animals that have been domesticated for thousands of years.

8.Is experimentation on animals always wrong? Sometimes wrong? And if permissable when, what types of experiments, and how should they be conducted? I think it's permissable when testing drugs on lab rats.

9. To what uses can we put animals? (Pets only, aide animals etc.) I think pets should really only be used for companionship (and of course in some cases, aide and therepy).

10. Including PETA, what animal rights groups (if any) do you support? Not PETA. I've supported the Humane Society and the ASPCA.

Posted by: Jen at September 25, 2005 04:27 AM

Ha, I like Esther's answer "Two cats own me"... my cats definitely run the show.

Posted by: Jen at September 25, 2005 04:30 AM
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