May 31, 2005

Teach Kids Peace

I have blogged several times concerning my abhorrence of the mistreatment of Palestinian children, how they are used as weapons, sent out to kill by those who should be protecting them, taught that death is glorious when they should be talking about how much homework they have or pretending to be artists or zookeepers, whose songs are full of murder, hate, and blood, when there is so much else to sing about.

Now there is Teach Kids Peace (from their site)

Teach Kids Peaceā„¢ is an international human rights organization dedicated to ending the Culture of Hatred that is being taught to children, and to encourage the promotion of peace education for children in conflict zones, though raising public awareness and calling on world leaders to take the required action to prevent this form of child abuse.

It is time to stop training children to become killers.
There can be no peace when the children are nursed on war.

Posted by Rachel Ann at May 31, 2005 12:43 PM
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