March 01, 2005

Wow! You Have Quite a Talent!

I was visiting a friend today, first time at her house. It has been a slowly building up friendship; we both volunteer at the library at the same time, and we talk from time to time. Near in age, our life experiences are so different; she was born in Israel, speaks both Hebrew and English fluently, and has traveled extensively--- the opposite of me, though we both read quite a bit.

So we had a visit. Her house quite lovely and full of love, you can tell that from what went onto the walls, the warmth just radiates from everywhere. I noticed the lovely garden she has, and when we entered and I took a tour, the beautiful photos on the wall.

She took them.

Have you ever so admired a talent of another that you though; they could make a lot of money if they only....

The "if they only" here being "sold her proofs to whoever makes postcards". These were some of the loveliest, most expressive pictures that I have seen. One photo showed a winter scene, here on the Yishuv; reddish-tan stones, orange flamed flowers with greyish-green foliage, patches of dark dirt, all peeking up through glistening white snow. It was a wonderful study in contrasts and harmony; I do not think the positioning could have been better. I could imagine this picture being used on a postcard, or placed in a brochure for the Yishuv.

But it wasn't for her, not this job. This was a hobby; she did it for herself, for family and friends. To work at this would mean letting someone else in cut in on her creative edge; someone saying--- a little more brown, less leaves more flowers, or whatever.

That happens so often; I'm impressed by someone's talents, see them as very marketable,, just for them. As if hobby and career must remain separate. I know that isn't always so, but so often I find it true. Perhaps this is why there is the image of the starving artist---if you are true to your craft then you can't take into account what the next person wants, what someone else likes: one must go after one's one heart. If this happens to match with the desires of others, well and good. You can make money. Otherwise you thrust yourself into your art, working just enough to bring in money perhaps in another field altogether, to sustain your work---the supplies you need, minimum food and shelter. If you are lucky, you are finally discovered, perhaps many years after your death. But your passion has filled you--that has been your fortune.

Do you know anyone unsung artists?

Posted by Rachel Ann at March 1, 2005 11:01 AM

My brother is an awesome landscape architect...for a restaurant manager. :) Honestly, he probably makes more money in restaurant management than he would in landscape architecture. But, he is awesome. He designed his entire back yard and it is AMAZING. He LOVES to garden, so everything stays looking perfect and he doesn't pay a service to do that. Very cool. I really think he missed his calling to do that as a living, but he just loves doing it for himself.

Posted by: Linda at March 1, 2005 02:23 PM

Aren't we all...

Posted by: muse at March 2, 2005 04:13 AM
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