January 04, 2005

True? I pray not.

I just saw this on Arutz Sheva, and I'm praying it isn't true.
full text of the article below; but you might want to keep going back for updates.
(main page, left hand side of the column latest news.) I'll update if I see anything more.

Voice of Palestine Radio: IDF Officer & Soldier Abducted by Terrorists
22:00 Jan 04, '05 / 23 Tevet 5765

(IsraelNN.com) A report leaked out to the media originating at Voice of Palestine Radio, stating they received a phone called that Fatah terrorist abducted an IDF officer and soldier. The caller promised to fax the station copies of the soldiers’ identity papers as proof, but never made good on the promise.

The report stated the abduction occurred in the Maale Adumim area, in line with intelligence warnings of a planned kidnapping during recent days.

IDF officials are handling the report in the appropriate fashion.

Posted by Rachel Ann at January 4, 2005 08:50 PM

G-d forbid it's true. I didn't see anything on the site this "morning." pre-dawn

Posted by: muse at January 5, 2005 03:46 AM
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