August 31, 2004

Clowns to the Right Jokers to the Left

Here I am in the center. Oh, if I'm being obnoxious that is; and I'm being obnoxious, just for the sake fo asking a quesetion. First a step back; why the question?

I was over at Alas A Blog reading his post This and That and from there went to his blogroll and found myself Far to the Right of Amp. and then there was a bit of a discussion on how and why he put me where he put me. Briefly he stated it was a joke based on him being in the center.

Which leads to this question;
You are the center; whose to the left of you? Whose to the right? And why?

Posted by Rachel Ann at August 31, 2004 06:12 AM

To quote a friend of mine...
Kahane? That leftist?

Posted by: Kin at August 31, 2004 08:26 AM
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