February 10, 2006

You Haven't Heard From Me Because:

A. I suddenly inherited two billion dollars from an hitherto unknown billionaire for whom I once did a small favor. I am traveling the world and having a grand ole' time chomping down on epicurian delights, sipping the finest Kosher wine avaialable, purchasing fine jewels and silk dresses, hobbnobing with the rich and famous.

B.  Large alien ants have been terrorizing the area. They ate my phone lines.

C.  I've been busy with work and my computer has been giving me problems; slowing down, not able to find pages, in general conking out on me when I need it the most.

Yeah C. though maybe a bit of  B as well. Part of the problem I believe is the phone company. I switched internet providers (for my personal e-mail) and internet access, but still we are having troubles. It can't just be me;  I amd my friends have been having trouble logging into the work site as well. Extremely frustrating to have spent fifteen minutes tracking down a name/phone number/address, and just as I am about to enter it into the system. "Data base error!" (work's end) or "Server Not Found" (our or the phone lines end) or whatever the heck the computer wants to yell at me.

ARGGGGHHH and 1/2.

Although maybe it has been for the better. I don't get to read the news as much and therefore my stomach has been better. Did you see the story of the young boy who almost lost his eye because of the visciousness of the police in Amona?  I am so disheartened. Thanks everyone who has written in with support for our country (and me!)

BTW, if A ever  happens I'll let you know before I leave on my trip and I'll keep you updated on all my antics. With pictures. Hey, with multi-billions I should be able to buy myself another camera, right?

Posted by Rachel Ann at February 10, 2006 07:33 AM | TrackBack

Backgammon software Super :)

Posted by: Backgammon software at March 16, 2006 10:20 AM
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