January 23, 2006

Cloud Died

I went upstairs to check on the kittens, and to give cloud some time to nurse on his own. I found him between his mother's paws, face right near her. At first I thought him sleeping; but I picked him up and he was so limp and unresponsive, I knew.

I think Chammomile knew as well. She didn't object to my taking hiim.

I buried him in the backyard; put a rock there to mark it.
The girls are going to be very upset.

Posted by Rachel Ann at January 23, 2006 08:54 AM | TrackBack

I'm very upset too. I'm so sorry. :(

Posted by: esther at January 23, 2006 04:22 PM

SO sorry...it is hard to loose even a small pet! Been gone to help my son's family and now back, though may need to return if they find they cannot cope...sick mama and 3 sick babies under age 5 makes for very difficult times...mama no longer has fever so hopes she can make it ok...but tomorrow I call and see if I am needed again. I WILL write that promised letter to you just as soon as I can! I have not forgotten! Thanks for all you post here and the opportunity for me to learn more...about many things!

Posted by: Elizabeth at January 29, 2006 03:34 AM
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