January 04, 2006

My Computer Was Down

Most of the day, and when it wasn't I was doing work, or my son was playing. So it was with shock that I read the news just now; Sharon has a stroke,  12 miners killed, 11 ice skaters killed, a man beheaded in front of his children and wife.

I don't know what to say.

My day was fairly lousy; friend problems for one child, broken glass from the box that held our Menorahs. Lots of other stuff...

I'm going to bed.
The world is turnig upside down and it feels as if we are all falling off.

Posted by Rachel Ann at January 4, 2006 10:07 PM | TrackBack

OH....(((((((((((HUGS TO YOU)))))))))!!
Under the weather right now too...along with different family members...should be ok in a few days but just have to take it as easy as we can for now...
Hope things go better for you soon!

Posted by: Elizabeth at January 5, 2006 05:48 AM

Don't worry, tomorrow the world will turn around again, and someone else will feel upside down.

It always does.

Posted by: julia at January 6, 2006 02:23 AM

tfayj xknaue

Posted by: Guy at March 3, 2006 02:14 PM
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