July 27, 2005

I've Got A Job!!!

At least it seems that way. In the grand ole' field of


Yeah, I know, the position I've really aspired to.

BUT, it is money. And the boss is a fantastic lady and my co-workers are great. Big draw back is the hour or so commute. But I can handle that. I've got books!!!!

And it pays the bills. And it just might get us this house.

So here's to wrinkled fingers and tired legs!!!!

(and I'm not reading many people today because I got started late and got home late. Tomorrow begins at the bleary-eyed hour of five because most days I'll need to catch the 6:15. )

Posted by Rachel Ann at July 27, 2005 09:27 PM | TrackBack


That's for the job, not specifically for dishwashing of course.

Will you continue looking for a job you'll like better?

Posted by: Jim at July 28, 2005 02:19 AM

Congratulations!!! I hear if you buy that house you will have some really nice next door neighbors : )

Posted by: houseofjoy at July 28, 2005 06:49 AM

Yay on the job!

Posted by: Ith at July 28, 2005 07:05 PM

Congratulations! A job and a paycheck are good, even if washing dishes is not so fun.

Posted by: Jordana at July 28, 2005 09:35 PM
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