March 08, 2005

I've Created Two more Wave Fans!

We got front row seats! Mainly because we were first sitting on the stairs and the front was the only place that could safely accomodate more people. We sat right at the end of the aisle and had a great view.

The Aritist was just fascinated, smiling the whole way through. The Monkey sat on my lap, arm about my neck, clapping furiously when anyone else did. She kept wanting to know if there were still more! She was so afraid that the next song would be it. I think most of the audience agreed with her---there was a great reluctance on the part of most to leave, and we tarried in our seats much longer than I have at any other play.

The Monkey was also fascinated by the lights, and kept looking upward to see what they would do next. Coming home she fell asleep and remained asleep when laid down on the couch and then transferred to the bed. The Artist tried to sleep but nausea kept her from comfort, poor child--but the air refreshened her, and by the time we got home she was cheerful and excited was midnight and she was too excited to sleep!

All of us were reved up, both those who had seen the play before and those of whom it was a first time experience. It was quite emotional to see the Torah brought to life, and the performance is top-notch.

I really highly recoommend the play to all those who are coming to Israel.You won't regret it!!!

Posted by Rachel Ann at March 8, 2005 06:47 AM
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